Gourmet Food Blog
Recipe: Roasted Pumpkin & Prosciutto Salad
Did you know that pumpkin is a fruit, not a vegetable? That’s because the edible part is from the seed-bearing structure of the plant. October is the perfect time to enjoy this recipe as the pumpkins still taste good (and you’ll find plenty of them around as Halloween approaches!). Plus, Springtime means fresh crunchy carrots and delicious sweet potatoes too.
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Poor diets now killing more people than cigarettes!
According to the latest released results from the Global Burden of Disease Study (2019), poor diets cause more deaths globally than tobacco!
This study is the most comprehensive worldwide observational study of its kind, spanning nearly three decades. The results show that annually, tobacco was associated with 8 million deaths and unhealthy, poor diets 11 million deaths.
Of those diet-related causes of death, heart attacks and strokes topped the list, followed by cancers and type 2 diabetes. Overall, eating and drinking better could prevent 20% of deaths globally.
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Recipe: Lamb Ragú Pasta in 10mins
Ragù is the name given to a collection of Italian pasta sauces made with meat, vegetables and occasionally, tomatoes. Bolognese is probably the best known type of ragù. But, our lamb ragú is something else! It’s easy peasy and super scrumptious, plus requires little more skill than an ability to boil water!
Most pasta sauces will pair with just about any type of pasta – such as spaghetti, fettuccine, penne, rigatoni, orecchiette or fusilli. And while certainly any of these can be used in this lamb ragú recipe without offence or any diminishment of flavour, Italian expert recommend using pappardelle if possible with this recipe.
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Recipe: Easy Mushrooms on Toast
If you’re looking for a quick but nutritious and filling meal, try this one on for size. It’s perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner or just as a side dish – so versatile!
Mushrooms on toast is actually a classic British dish, typically cooked slowly so that the mushrooms release their juices which are then absorbed by the toast when poured over. If you prefer yours with less liquid (like we do), then cook the mushrooms on a higher heat for shorter time.
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How to stay productive at home in quarantine
If, like most people, you’re spending more time than normal at home, you’re probably already worried about how you can avoid going stir-crazy! Here are some ideas on making your home time more productive and rewarding.
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Potato Recipes: Two Ways (Herb Roasted & Garlic Mashed)
The humble spud unfortunately is often labelled, well, humble… boring or bland. This couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, potatoes are one of the most versatile foods out there and can be cooked and served in many exciting and enticing ways. It’s true, they’re not often the star of the meal, but their beauty lies in the fact that they pair so well with other foods, absorbing and reflecting a range of different flavours and textures.
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Recipe: Peach & Pancetta Salad
Peaches are the ultimate Summer fruit and it doesn’t get much better than this salad for a suggestion of sunshine and sweetness. The juicy, perfumed peaches perfectly balance with the crisp salty pancetta and creamy smoothness of the feta. Enjoy as a weekday meal or side dish, with a BBQ or try it next time you’re asked to bring a plate.
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6 Easy New Year’s Resolutions Everyone Should Make
Happy New Year! It’s that time again, yup, time to recommit to your health. We all do it every January but do we follow through? Sadly not. So, instead of setting yourself up for fail with unrealistic goals, here are 6 simple resolutions that will improve your wellbeing and are easy enough to stick to for the long term.
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Creative Ideas for Christmas Leftovers
If your dining table is groaning under the weight of excess catering, then don’t waste it! Let us show you how to creatively repurpose the extras into delicious next-day meals.
Recipe: Quick and Easy Christmas Shortbread
Don’t have much time or skill for home-cooking? Good, this recipe is perfect as it allows you to take shortcuts! Most shortbread recipes entail rolling out the dough, pressing in cookie cutter shapes, and then transferring them to a baking tray. If you’re pushed for time, this process is just too fiddly.